R+V’s Digital Journey Puts Quality First

R+V’s brand has always been synonymous with quality and reliability. As the customer experience morphed into one with a digital focus, high-quality user experiences across different mobile devices, browsers and user conditions have become a top strategic direction for the cooperative insurance company.

A major component of R+V’s journey towards digital engagement is the company’s new responsive web portals. Portals such as www.rv24.de provide customers with a direct digital channel to connect to their account and execute transactions. Making sure these web portals work flawlessly on mobile devices and platforms led R+V to implement a quality-first approach to their web portal development using Perfecto.

R+V Versicherung AG

R+V is one of the largest insurance companies in Germany, providing all types of insurance ranging from life and health to property and accident insurance. It employs over 14,000 people, serving more than eight million private and corporate customers. R+V is part of Genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken.

“R+V decided a cloud-based environment that offered real devices for testing was a must to deliver a high-quality user experience.”


Challenges and Requirements

Prior to working with Perfecto, R+V tested its web portals manually by tracking the market, buying available devices, and lending them to developers and testers in an in-house lab.

R+V looked to Perfecto to help improve efficiency in a few areas. To avoid lab management costs, be up 24/7 and achieve central governance and security across multiple teams, R+V wanted to switch to a cloud-based digital quality lab. It also didn’t want to put effort and resources into rewriting test scripts for every device and knew that automated test scripts that work across devices and platforms would increase the coverage speed and efficiency of testing its web portals for mobile.

Selecting the Right Testing Environment

R+V chose to work with Perfecto to support both its test environment and meet its automation requirements. As such, the company set up a private hosted cloud with Perfecto to be used to test R+V’s web portals on a variety of real mobile devices.

Test teams are no longer on the hook to buy and manage devices, but can access a number of devices to test against via Perfecto’s Continuous Quality Lab (CQ Lab), giving teams confidence that web portals will work on the devices and operating systems that customers are using.

R+V uses a combination of its own test automation framework and Perfecto’s Selenium WebDriver extension to automate test scripts across devices and platforms simultaneously. In a highly fragmented mobile space, the ability to reuse the same script has become essential for R+V to deliver faster app releases. R+V can do unattended automated testing, eliminating costly QA bottlenecks that come with slower, resource-intensive manual testing.

The result? R+V is able to test their web portals on real devices before and after every release, which has proven to enhance the quality and consistency of the portals and reduce the risk of alienating customers because of a poor user experience. R+V is also able to automate tests across these devices, bringing the company as close as possible to its target user.

Making Digital Quality a Reality

Working in this cloud testing environment, Germany’s second largest insurance company continues to grow its customer base through the mobile channel. By testing more cases on more devices under real user conditions, R+V can better serve mobile users no matter what device they’re using or where they are located.

R+V plans to have most of its regression tests for its web portals to be automated, and is reusing test scripts efficiently across different smartphones, tablets, and OS versions. It also has its sights set on expanding testing across mobile and responsive websites, integrating Perfecto’s solution with its internal CI (continuous integration) tools and developer frameworks.

With a dedicated test division, strong investment in automation and a cloud-based lab, R+V is successfully making digital quality a standard across the company.