Learn about intelligent test automation and how it addresses some of the biggest challenges of software testing head-on. By using machine learning as the base of its self-healing technology, intelligent test automation makes testing more stable and scalable.

In this demo of Perfecto Scriptless, you will learn:

  • How to create automated tests simply and quickly, with plenty of room to scale.
  • How AI can make you 4x more productive without the risk of test flakiness.
  • Ways that AI-powered analytics help teams debug faster.
  • And more!
Mina Sprengeler

Mina Sprengeler

Senior Sales Engineer at Perfecto by Perforce Software, Perfecto

Mina Sprengeler is a Sales Engineer at Perfecto. With a background in consulting and front-end web development, Mina is passionate about problem-solving and strategizing ways to address any enterprise challenge. She brings that same passion to Perfecto by helping companies improve their DevOps pipeline through faster and more scalable testing.