Benefits of Using fastlane With Perfecto 

fastlane enables the automation of beta deployments and releases for iOS and Android apps. By generating screenshots, code signing, and releasing the application, fastlane handles any task involved with building and deploying applications effectively. 

With a fastlane plugin, users can upload application builds easily and seamlessly to Perfecto. 

Image Integration Fastlane

How fastlane Works With Perfecto

fastlane works with Perfecto through a simple plugin.

You can also use fastlane in combination with other tools and integrations that Perfecto offers, such as Espresso, CircleCI, and Slack. This combination of tools and integrations offers a full end-to-end integration of an Android build life cycle. 

Fastlane Slack Perfecto integration

Get Started With Perfecto and fastlane

Install the fastlane plugin for Perfecto.  


Before you enable the plugin, make sure you: 

  • Make sure Ruby and fastlane are already installed. 
  • Confirm that you plan to run on macOS (fastlane currently only runs on macOS). 
  • See this example Fastfile that you can refer to when using the plugin. 

Install Jenkins via brew if you are a Mac user. 

Fastlane report CI dashboard

See fastlane and Perfecto in Action

Start your free trial of Perfecto today.